WidgetKit - No intent in timeline

I'm trying to create a widget with IntentConfiguration but always get the same error "[widget] No intent in timeline(for:with:completion:)"

I even tried to download the sample code for building widgets from https://developer.apple.com/documentation/widgetkit/building_widgets_using_widgetkit_and_swiftui and I'm getting the same result.

Code Block
CharacterDetailExtension[35095:948968] [widget] No intent in timeline(for:with:completion:)

Any hint what could be wrong in the IntentConfiguration?
Answered by C_Wiz in 615691022
See this thread here, you need to do it on device as the simulator is bugged : https://developer.apple.com/forums/thread/650831
Accepted Answer
See this thread here, you need to do it on device as the simulator is bugged : https://developer.apple.com/forums/thread/650831
I am seeing this error on a device as well.
I don't know if I'm on the right track, but avoiding the identifier and displayName properties for my own (which do appear in the generated file) causes my widget to render without an error. Unfortunately the Add Widget screen crashes with the same "No intent" error because it tries to use identifier.

I hope this at least gets us closer to a solution.

I'm still got this error on Xcode 12.2 beta 2
This seems to happen to me when I added or change the configuration intent while the app is still installed on the simulator. Deleting then reinstalling the app on the simulator with the new configuration intent code has been able to fix it for me.
WidgetKit - No intent in timeline