I'm having issues trying to use the CLLocationManager with the Widget I'm building.
Despite having, the keys: NSLocationUsageDescription and NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription both of them with a proper description.
I till get an stdout message:
This widget has attempted to access privacy-sensitive data without specifying a need. The widget's Info.plist must contain a “NSLocationUsageDescription” key with any number other than 0
Is there anything I can do?
I'm having issues trying to use the CLLocationManager with the Widget I'm building.
Despite having, the keys: NSLocationUsageDescription and NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription both of them with a proper description.
I till get an stdout message:
This widget has attempted to access privacy-sensitive data without specifying a need. The widget's Info.plist must contain a “NSLocationUsageDescription” key with any number other than 0
Is there anything I can do?