HomeKit API enhancement request - provide a clean way to know whether a scene is 'active'

There is currently no way to easy way to tell whether an HMActionSet is 'active' without reading the individual characteristics - because each of these reads is an independent, asynchronous process, this check can be delayed, and it is often error prone.

Adding a simple state to read and track this information, similar to the value of a characteristic, would simplify a significant burden. A callback notification to be alerted to changes in this state would also be outstanding.


This is 100% needed.

Currently we need to read every characteristic of a device to compare it to the HMActionSet to see if it is active.

A simple boolean would be great. Along with a way to notify us of it changing like HMAccessory has for characteristic values would be superb.
Please make enhancement requests via Feedback Assistant.
FB5672565 for active boolean and FB5399040 for notification.