Distance and Direction Vector Accuracy

Are there any rule-of-thumb accuracy specifications we can use to plan our Nearby Interaction apps? For example, in ideal cases (phones are facing each other with clear line of sight), what sort of distance measurement accuracy can we expect?

What about the refresh rate for position updates? 10Hz?

Similarly, when conditions are less than ideal (for example, devices are not facing each other in the antennas beam pattern), does the distance accuracy degrade significantly? I know we'll lose the direction vector.

It's probably best to test with some iPhone 11s and the sample app to ensure your use case is a good fit but the documentation states:

NI works best when the peer devices are: 

Within nine meters of each other.
In portrait orientation.
Facing each other with their back camera. 
NI detects a nearby peer device when it appears within NI’s line of sight

Distance and Direction Vector Accuracy