The endpoint security framework APIs take cache related flag as one of the parameters.
Example: esrespondauthresult(esclientt * client, const esmessaget * message, esauthresultt result, bool cache);"
There isn't much documentation on where and how this cache can be leveraged. Some APIs documentation in the code does refer saying its cache across endpoint security client. But not much details about how clients can leverage, cache size, expiry etc.
Further, wondering if this cache can be used within endpoint security client for the given response.
For example, if the client responds saying block, the application may retry multiple times, can this cache help in responding back w/o giving call to the client?
Any reference to the documentation on this would certainly help.
Example: esrespondauthresult(esclientt * client, const esmessaget * message, esauthresultt result, bool cache);"
There isn't much documentation on where and how this cache can be leveraged. Some APIs documentation in the code does refer saying its cache across endpoint security client. But not much details about how clients can leverage, cache size, expiry etc.
Further, wondering if this cache can be used within endpoint security client for the given response.
For example, if the client responds saying block, the application may retry multiple times, can this cache help in responding back w/o giving call to the client?
Any reference to the documentation on this would certainly help.