Today Extensions Deprecated?

Looking forward to watching more sessions, but hoping to get a quick question answered: has my today extension reached the end of its life? It operates like a mini-app, which is specifically discouraged in new widgets and it appears not even possible. I have not yet launched Xcode 12 but in the iOS 14 beta I see my app containing the extension does not show up when trying to add a widget to my home screen. The app extension guide states: "For example [...] perform a quick task such as marking an item as done." The Reminders widget seems to confirm that even this is not possible. So to summarize:
  1. Are Today Extensions no longer available in iOS 14?

  2. Can you add UIControls to WidgetKit widgets or only links?

Answered by Systems Engineer in 614450022
  1. Today Extensions continue to be available, however, they are deprecated. When your app is submitted for the newer SDK the legacy today widget extension will be removed.

  2. You should use SwiftUI's Link or the widgetURL modifier.

Accepted Answer
  1. Today Extensions continue to be available, however, they are deprecated. When your app is submitted for the newer SDK the legacy today widget extension will be removed.

  2. You should use SwiftUI's Link or the widgetURL modifier.

Thanks for the quick response- can you clarify, if I submit an update will the extension be removed even for users running iOS 13 and earlier?
No, iOS 13 users will still get your today widget extension (as long as you keep submitting it in your App Store submissions)
It‘s always a bit unfortunate, when Apple deprecates a technology in place of a less capable one. There have been quite a lot of interesting widgets that are no longer possible with the timeline-based approach in WidgetKit. Sad.
Existing Today View extensions will not be removed for users running iOS 13 or earlier.
Hi there.

The HIG states that iOS 13 and below Widgets will still be available on iOS 14, can you confirm if this is an error?

Widgets designed for iOS 13 and earlier aren't available on the Home screen, but remain accessible at the bottom of the Today View and in the macOS Notification Center.

Thank you!
It doesn't seem to be an error - at least so far.

Currently, old style widgets are still available on iOS14, and they remain available even when the app is built using Xcode 12 Beta 4.

You can't add them to the home screen in iOS14, but as mentioned in the quote, they are at the bottom of the Today View.
I have submitted a new build using Xcode 12 Beta 5 to TestFlight and the TodayExtension is still available at the bottom of the Today View. Can someone explain when and how the Today Extensions will be removed?
Yes, you if you continue submitting your app with the Today Extension, it will still be available for users running iOS 13 and earlier.
No. It will remain for them as long as you don't remove it from your project.

HomeWidgets cannot have buttons and actions. Yes, I know that you can use the HomeWidget to launch the app and pass a parameter to it do something that you want, but that is not the same thing as what's possible with Today Widgets which does the job without launching the app.

Deprecating Today Widgets without a replacement seems short-sighted.
Hello engineer, I found my TodayExtensions runs well on iOS 13.
Some users report the problems: When them upgrading iPhone to iOS 14, TodayExtensions appears at the bottom of the Today View, but it shows that “Unable to load” . You must restart the iPhone or download the application again before it can return to normal. The problem led to the loss of my users
But i cannot find any error in debug.I wonder if there are any new restrictions or mechanisms for TodayExtensions and how should i solve this problem?

I have a similar issue.

The existing Today Extension widget is deleted.

We've developed and distributed widgets using WidgetKit.

I'm contacting you because the existing Today Extension widget has been deleted and will not be exposed.

Occurrence was intermittent when the app was updated, and it was often resolved when the app was deleted and reinstalled or rebooted.

After checking the app store's review to see if other apps have similar cases, we determined that they are experiencing similar situations.

And I'm going to do some research, and I'm going to go to in that comment.

"Today Extensions context to be available, however, they are reserved. When your app is submitted for the newer SDK the legacy today will be restored."

I also found the phrase.

If I build a new SDK, is it right that the Today Extension disappears?

Or I'd like to ask you if there is another solution.

Today Extensions Deprecated?