How are the .drawing files created?

The letters used for the synthetic text are taken from some assets with the "drawing" extension. How are these generated and can they be previewed in Xcode somehow?
Answered by AppleCare Staff in 614247022
I drew them by hand, tweaked a few, and just serialized the PKDrawing to disk. There's no way to preview them in Xcode, but with very little code you could write a Mac app to load the data and show an image.
Accepted Answer
I drew them by hand, tweaked a few, and just serialized the PKDrawing to disk. There's no way to preview them in Xcode, but with very little code you could write a Mac app to load the data and show an image.
Can you tell me please, how you did the serialization? Im new to this framework, and want to add my own “ABC”.
sorry if its a dumb question.
I have exported the source drawings to PNGs. Based on Apple's sample code - HandwritingTutor.

Download HandwritingTutor-Drawings PNG
How are the .drawing files created?