I'm working on a firewall for macOS using Network Extensions, with Network Filter. The problem I'm seeing is that even if the NSSystemExtensionUsageDescription key is required in the Info.plist, its value is never shown (i.e. none of the pop-ups show this string).
The shown pop-ups when loading the System Extension are:
Here is the usage description in my Info.plist:
Thanks in advance.
I'm working on a firewall for macOS using Network Extensions, with Network Filter. The problem I'm seeing is that even if the NSSystemExtensionUsageDescription key is required in the Info.plist, its value is never shown (i.e. none of the pop-ups show this string).
The shown pop-ups when loading the System Extension are:
System Extension Blocked: The program ”PulseSecureFirewallTest“ tried to load new system extension(s). If you want to enable these extensions, open Security & Privacy System Preferences. (this pop-up allows me to open Security Preferences and grant access to the System Extension).
“PulseSecureFirewallTest” Would Like to Filter Network Content: All network activity on this Mac may be filtered or monitored. (This is the pop-up that allows the system extension to be loaded)
Here is the usage description in my Info.plist:
Code Block <key>NSSystemExtensionUsageDescription</key> <string>TODO: This is some test string.</string>
Thanks in advance.