ARKit 4 ARGeoAnchor

ARKit 4 offers a new feature called Location Anchors and these look great. I can see us adopting these...until I read that they would only work in a few locations around the world!

Is it not possible to add a geo anchor and for my device to be anywhere? In a field for example and for me to add the 4 corners, 100ft above me for example and it to track those?

Accepted Reply

It is correct that location anchors are limited to certain locations, as this feature compares the current camera image to known imagery from these locations. This is required to achieve the necessary precision for most AR experiences.

The scenario that you are describing with objects hovering 100 ft above the ground sounds like it might already be achievable without location anchors. Your app could monitor the user's location and whenever the user is close enough start an ARSession with a ARWorldTrackingConfiguration with the worldAlignment property set to gravityAndHeading.


It is correct that location anchors are limited to certain locations, as this feature compares the current camera image to known imagery from these locations. This is required to achieve the necessary precision for most AR experiences.

The scenario that you are describing with objects hovering 100 ft above the ground sounds like it might already be achievable without location anchors. Your app could monitor the user's location and whenever the user is close enough start an ARSession with a ARWorldTrackingConfiguration with the worldAlignment property set to gravityAndHeading.