Boot Recovery Assistant issue

Greetings all,

We're having a reoccurring issue which seems to be coming up every time there is a software update to macOS (like what we call a "dot-dot" update) on our lab machines (which are still on Mojave for another few weeks of Summer session). We get a dialog that looks like the following:

Boot Recovery Assistant

A software update is required to use this
startup disk.

You can update now or select another startup disk.

(Startup Disk)   (Update)

Hmm, this system won't let me link to my Google Drive for an actual picture of the screen. Moving on...

Anybody can click the Update button and it proceeds along its merry way, but it is a real pain to have this show up on a bunch of machines in a lab or in classrooms.

My Google-Fu has been unsuccessful in turning up a way to solve this issue (other than running around and clicking Update everywhere).

Any ideas on why this happens, and how to get rid of it proactively?


This is such a pain for headless Mac minis. We have over 100 Mac minis (which set us back about
$200K) in our data center and must have a monitor handy when an update comes out that gets applied. Alas, the update will not progress until a human user clicks "Update." This means these headless machines which would otherwise manage themselves must be mothered by attaching a monitor and clicking update. Remote access doesn't work here with ARD.

What gives Apple? The choice we and presumably any customer wants is "Update." Why ask or prompt for this? What is happening here that requires user input? I would love to see the business case for this UI decision. It's costing us a lot of money to deal with this. Where can we send the bill?

Is this resolved for future updates or are we going to see this regularly with any minor/major updates?
Boot Recovery Assistant issue