Auto Layout Struggles

I have a storyboard with a Stackview in a Stackview but cannot seem to get some of the fields to show up correctly. I have tried adjusting the Content Hugging and Compression values but adjusting those only pushes another field into the wrong position. I cannot seem to find the magic sauce to get it to work so any suggestions would be helpful.

Accepted Reply

If you're using the Storyboard, go to the Attributes Inspector and try setting Distribution to "Fill Equally" or "Fill Proportionally". Also make sure that the base stack view (the one that contains the other stack view) has constraints set up for all 4 sides.


You're probably going to need to provide some more details before anybody can help. Failing that you might try using the view debugger and examine each view in the stack view. It will highlight any views that might be ambiguous which may give you a clue to what you are missing.
If you're using the Storyboard, go to the Attributes Inspector and try setting Distribution to "Fill Equally" or "Fill Proportionally". Also make sure that the base stack view (the one that contains the other stack view) has constraints set up for all 4 sides.