Launch Screen storyboard migration issue

I have an app built in Objective C which uses Launch Screen Image Set as a splash screen.
According to recent Apple's new Guidelines

Apps for iPhone or iPad must be built with the iOS 13 SDK or later and use an Xcode storyboard to provide the app’s launch screen.
Reference -

I removed the Launch image and added a LaunchScreen.storyboard with an UIImageView. After making the mentioned change all my screens following the Launch screen appear to have scaled-down in dimensions whereas before adding the LaunchScreen.storyboard it worked fine for all iPad screen sizes.

I am confused as to why migrating from Launch screen image to LaunchScreen.storyboard is affecting the constraints of all the remaining screens. Please could someone help me here?

Answered by Ruprect in 613143022
When using launch images for iPad the app was only running in 1024x768 resolution. There was no way (to my knowledge) to support native iPad resolutions with launch images.

Using launch storyboards will force your app to display at the native resolution which changes based on the device (see this page Assuming your constraints are all setup correctly auto layout should take care of adapting to the new resolutions. However if you used any static height and width constraints the layout elements may appear smaller on some devices.
Accepted Answer
When using launch images for iPad the app was only running in 1024x768 resolution. There was no way (to my knowledge) to support native iPad resolutions with launch images.

Using launch storyboards will force your app to display at the native resolution which changes based on the device (see this page Assuming your constraints are all setup correctly auto layout should take care of adapting to the new resolutions. However if you used any static height and width constraints the layout elements may appear smaller on some devices.
It's highly likely that you may need to adjust your contraints to the newer dynamic expectations the storyboard is attempting to resolve across multiple screen sizes. Setting static heights on elements may be the killer here. I would suggest setting proportional constraints to get the desired effect. Hope this helps!
Launch Screen storyboard migration issue