Push notifications China

Can anyone help me find the best way to implement push notifications in China for our situation? We’ve got a camera app and are using Firebase for push notifications. We’re currently in the middle of an unexpected feature in China and have no way of getting in touch with those users! Are there any workarounds that don’t need users to update the app?

onesignal looks interesting but they said it does need their SDK installing and the users will need to update and open the app first.

(Note- I’ve been meaning to look at other messaging platforms because I’m frustrated with Firebase anyway so I’d like to explore both quick fixes and then the ultimate set up to settle for). I’d be grateful for any suggestions. Thanks, mariska
Hi. I help work on OneSignal and I happened to see this message here. Technically you can use OneSignal for this. OneSignal supports importing tokens via API, and then delivering notifications to them through OneSignal's API or dashboard. You will first have to make sure you can export your existing push tokens from Firebase. Note that many OneSignal features (such as tracking your notification click rate) won't work until you add the OneSignal library to your app and users update to the new version, but at least you can send them notifications. You can contact OneSignal support and reference this message for assistance if you're not sure where to start.

You can also use the APNS APIs directly for this, but it might be a little more complex. Apple's APNS APIs are documented here https://developer.apple.com/library/archive/documentation/NetworkingInternet/Conceptual/RemoteNotificationsPG/APNSOverview.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40008194-CH8-SW1

In China, Google products, including Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM), face accessibility issues. For your camera app, one possible solution is to use a service like 21YunBox. Their acceleration suite facilitates connection to Google Firebase, which could help bypass the limitations you're facing with FCM in China. This approach aligns with China's firewall and data privacy regulations and offers enhanced push notification personalization. Just be aware that whatever solution you go with will require specific attention to China compliance.

If you want to learn more, you can reference this article: https://www.21cloudbox.com/accessing-chinas-mobile-app-market-overcoming-the-fcm-firewall.html

Consider the China compliance, it's better to leverage China local Push Service provider, like Ali Cloud's Mobile Platform as a Service or Tencent Push Notification Service (TPNS).

Push notifications China