iOS app Mapkit -> Postqres polygon query and response


I am working with CS students on an app to display voter data. We seek to query geocoded voter addresses stored in Postgres based on the current app's mapkit display. Users can move the map around, zoom in and out and the results (count, details) should automatically update.

Might you point me to examples?

Thank you and best wishes

That question is a bit too broad to give any answer. You will have to break it up into manageable pieces. For example
  • how to build your overlays/annotations to look the way you want

  • how to perform your database query

  • when to perform the DB query - e.g. in response to the map view regionDidChangeAnimated

If you’re making a network request to the DB, i.e. it’s not embedded in your app bundle, then you’ll have to debounce / rate limit your queries and deal with error conditions and query results coming in asynchronously.

If you have specific questions that come up it would be better to post those individually rather than a general “how do I write an app to do this” question.
iOS app Mapkit -> Postqres polygon query and response