How to navigate forums

Hi guys,

since forums changes in Apple Developer portal, I don't know how to navigate it. There used to be sections, like UI, Core, Network Extensions, etc.

Is it possible to find those categories somewhere?



every thing is based off [Tags] now so if you want to see those categories (tags) you need to search by them :

here is list of the "categories" aka Tags

to search type [tagname] in the the search bar then click on the tag. Not a huge fan of this as its not really intuitive, but you get used it. Hopefully they either make clickable tags to search by or other advancements. New forums are a start, but def needs some QOL changes.
From the explorations using StackOverflow and GitHub search syntax, you can search for:
  1. Individual tag: [tag name]

  2. User: user:name

  3. My page: user:me

  4. Posts under specific tags: [tag1][tag2] query

Man, this red code highlighting is painful...