How to create QR code and NFC pass

I am making an app that issues tickets within the app.

  1. How to issue a QR code pass there.

  2. How to create NFC path.

  3. How to authenticate NFC pass.(TouchID or FaceID)

please teach me.


are you trying to make something that uses Apple wallet?
if so, I would start at about 15 minutes into this session.
if you are trying to do something within your app, you can’t do NFC passes without Apple Wallet, but you can make a QR code. here is a example function that generates a QR code from a string:
Code Block swift
func generateQRCode(from string: String) -> UIImage? {
let data = String.Encoding.ascii)
if let filter = CIFilter(name: "CIQRCodeGenerator") {
filter.setValue(data, forKey: "inputMessage")
let transform = CGAffineTransform(scaleX: 3, y: 3)
if let output = filter.outputImage?.transformed(by: transform) {
return UIImage(ciImage: output)
return nil

after you have that function, you use it like this:
Code Block swift
let image = generateQRCode(from: "i am going to be so helpful to st0321!")

that generates a QR code with the text "i am going to be so helpful to st0321!" and gives it to you as a UIImage.