could not locate device support files

This iPhone 6s is running iOS 10.1 (14B55c), which may not be supported by this version of Xcode.

And no web result for this, its like am the first person this is happening which seem quite unlikely.


Yep, Xcode 8.1 GM works with devices running iOS 10.1 and "Xcode 8.1 GM seed may be used to submit apps to the App Store". Problem solved.

Apple does this sort of thing, not making it clear what you have to download, and pushing support to forums like this and then wonders why people start downloading XCode from random places on the internet, getting trojaned versions.

It is beyond me why I have to download the whole thing, every time, just for a few additional device definitions.

Thanks for posting this, saved me a headache trying to find what is going on. Shame that App Store update does not have 8.1 of xCode. Come on Apple!

Wow, super sloppy of Apple.

Being a new developer of apps for iOS, I have to say their system is absolutely horrendous. I've been a fan of apple products for years, but when it comes to development, Android is a million times better.

I was waiting for an update in the AppStore to fix this, but the update never came. Then, I searched for Xcode directly in the AppStore, and Xcode 8.1 was there! I clicked GET and problem solved! Why the update wasn't listed in the Updates tab is a mystery.

Thank you very much endavid! You just gave me a hint and I really went there on the App Store and searched for Xcode to find out that there is actually an update. Thanks again!

You are not the only one, apple releases updates so often and every single time i update OS it breaks my dev envoirement. It seems apple developers dont give a s#*^ about we developers by not including dependent files in there GBs of updates 😟 😟

Having the same problem here... Not running any beta, only the latest version of xCode (8.2.1 (8C1002)) and iOS for iPhone (10.3.2 (14F89)). Does anyone know how to fix this?

Latest version Xcode is 8.3.2 8E2002