i would like to use a button in my app ato make a phone call, can any one help me with the right code
how do i make a call from a button
The best you can do is call a url string that will open the built-in phone app...is that what you want?
I would like some help with that KMT! can you see what i did wrong in my code the app crashes when i press the call button
Code Block // // ViewController.swift // Diabell App // // Created by Richard Klug on 23/04/2021. // import UIKit import MessageUI class ViewController: UIViewController, MFMailComposeViewControllerDelegate { override func viewDidLoad() { super.viewDidLoad() // Do any additional setup after loading the view. } //Function Email Bottom Left @IBAction func Mail(_ sender: Any) { showMailComposer() } func showMailComposer() { guard MFMailComposeViewController.canSendMail() else{ return } let composer = MFMailComposeViewController() composer.mailComposeDelegate = self composer.setToRecipients(["richard.klug@diabell.se"]) composer.setSubject("Diabell App Help") composer.setMessageBody("Fyll i vad du behöver hjälp med", isHTML: false) present(composer, animated: true) } //Funktion Call Bottom Right @IBAction func callButtonClicked(_ sender: Any) { } private func callNumber(phoneNumber:String) { if let phoneCallURL = URL(string: "tel://\(+46706106310)") { let application:UIApplication = UIApplication.shared if (application.canOpenURL(phoneCallURL)) { application.open(phoneCallURL, options: [:], completionHandler: nil) } } } }
Where exactly do you crash ?
What crash log do you get ?
There is something curious in your code: callButtonClicked is an empty func
In addition, callNumber() func is not called anywhere…
Where exactly do you crash ?
What crash log do you get ?
There is something curious in your code: callButtonClicked is an empty func
Code Block @IBAction func callButtonClicked(_ sender: Any) { }
In addition, callNumber() func is not called anywhere…
if the sender is a button, it is better to use UIButton type as sender instead of Any.
it is not a good practice on the forum to use another thread (even more when it is 4 years old) to ask an additional question. Open a new thread and if needed paste a reference to the older thread.