iOS 10 Developer Beta 2 Failing To Update

I need help guys every time I try to update to the iOS developer beta 2 it keeps coming up with software update failed an error occurred when updating iOS 10 developer beta 2


Yeah it's just getting stupid now i have been trying to instill this for the past 2-3 days 😟 no luck at all on my Iphone SE

Are you installing Beta 2 with the profile or just through general/software update?

I go to Software Update And It comes up wth iOS 10 Dev Beta 2 But When its nearly done it just comes up with Software Update Failed and so on

I'm am having same problems. I wondered if you had resolved it yet?

Unfortunately not. I'm still trying the update every couple of hours but it looks like I'll be waiting for the next beta at this point.

Still Having The Same Come Up. When will this get sorted?

I followed the instructions on this link and installed via iTunes . Up and running on beta 2 now no problem

Have you tried any of the following?: -Hard Reset (hold home button+power till apple logo)- -Reset network settings- -Factory Reset- -IOS 10 Beta 2 OTA profile I was having the same problem as you for three days. I just waited it out. If you have payed $99 for the Apple Developer Downloads you can just download the IPSW file and do it through iTunes.

My problem is that I can't get past the T&C page. I hit the Agree button but nothing happens (apart from the dimming of the button). Eventually I'll just get the failure pop-up.

Same issue here with my iPhone 5.

tried 5-6 times with different scenarios but no luck ... it can be ok with beta3/public beta2.

✅ My solution below...

Friends i have solved the problem !

i used VPN during whole download of update over on OTA and now i am using ios 10.

i suggest all of you to use VPN during dowload of software update files !


I can confirm this worked for me too!

go to the beta program website and enroll your Apple ID, if you are already enrolled and have the ios10 software already click the download for OTA update and install that profile, prompt to restart device, SETTINGS,general, configuration profiles, make sure the beta profile installed correctly, then go update and you should see IOS 10 Developer Beta 2 update for those who have a Windows computer just connect device to iTunes and click update I've never had a single issue since Beta 1 was released and I have a 1st generation IPhone 5 as well as latest IPad mini, any issues I'd love to hear back from Devs


Thank you, this fixed my problem 🙂 this video has helped me get past the problem. If anyone else needs help use this video however you will need to have xcode 8 and a mac