activeConversation comes up as nil if the view controller is not set to initial view controller. Seems like a bug to me. Anyone else experience this?
activeConversation is nil if the view controller is not initial view controller
Seems like the problem is when you embed MSMessagesAppViewController in UINavigationController.
I filled a radar for this.
Are you saying that in your initial view controller you're able to get the activeConversation but in subsequent pushed controllers you're not? If so I'm not sure if that's expected behavior, but you could certainly push the conversation down to any pushed controllers during the segue to them. Thanks for the bug. If you happen to have a small sample project that demonstrates that, that always helps expedite the evaluation and debugging of issues.
Should I attach it to the radar?
Yes, please.
I tried to push it down but it did not like that. it appears activeconversation is readOnly...
Are there any bug fixes for it? Because while using iMessage extension on Xcode 10.1 this problem still continues. In our imessage extension on our app, if I want to use MSMessagesAppViewController as it is embedded in a navigation controller, activeConversation becomes nil. So we cant insert text to message area.
I mean that it happens when initial view controller is different than MSMessagesAppViewController on its storyboard.
Did you find any solution for this issue? I'm facing the same problem.