Is it possible for my app to open the Messages app with my iMessage extension activated?

Specifically, from my app I'd like to open the Messages app and activate my iMessage extension with:

1. an existing MSConversation (via the remote participant UUID?)

2. a new MSConversation (via a CNContact?)

3. a new MSConversation with no remote participant specified

There must be a way with UIApplication:openURL: ?

Or maybe with the MFMessageComposeViewController?


Just adding, I have the same question.

There currently isn't a way to do this. This would make a good bug report to file if you want to see this functionality considered for addition in the future.

I agree this would be good functionality. If there is radar for it, I'll be happy to dupe it.

Thanks for the feedback. I filed this as RADAR 27079838.

This isn't how bugs reports work. 🙂 If you want to see some functionality that's missing, please file a bug report with the details of what you're looking for, what you're trying to do, etc. Please don't wait to hear if there's a dupe of a bug or not. Your situation may not be identical to somebody else's and having separate reports for requests is important.

Is there any updates on this bug?

BUMP + 2 years

Is this possible now in 2019? Can we have a button in our game, which when tapped, opens iMessage with our iMessage extension with some player data? Then all the player needs to do is choose who to share it with. It would be great if this is now possible! Thanks!

bump... interested as well

bump... this would be really great

Is it possible for my app to open the Messages app with my iMessage extension activated?