iOS 10 VoIP background mode no longer supported?

I'm using VoIP background mode in our App, I'm now using iOS 10 developer beta with Xcode 8 beta, I found this print

after calling

- (BOOL)setKeepAliveTimeout:(NSTimeInterval)timeout handler:(void(^ __nullable)(void))keepAliveHandler

"Legacy VoIP background mode is deprecated and no longer supported"

I know this API is depricated since iOS 9, I want to make sure, does it mean this API will not work at all in iOS 10 and later?

Accepted Reply

In iOS 10, you should be using PushKit for handling push notifications for incoming VoIP calls. So when you build your app against the iOS 10 SDK, you need to move over to PushKit (which can be supported all the way back to iOS 8, but once you move to iOS 10 our recommendation is to update your minimum deployment target to iOS 9).


Any progress now?

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