iOS – General feedback / complaints

iOS – General feedback / complaints

Hi. I'm not sure if this is the correct forum for this topic,

and I am happy to see it moved if it is not.

; ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

I’ve been using ipads for a few years now.

My main, major complaints are not many, and pretty basic.

But they are major , and REALLY hinder the usability of the device , in my opinion.

[ if TL;DR : I basically want options to make iOS more OSX like / finder control . ]


Problems :


Lack of a good interfacing with OSX , [not just through itunes] so that I can manage ALL of the files , folders and applications within iOS

via my mac, just as I would manage and organize the files and folders on my mac using finder.

; Ability to perform all the basic following actions ;

Cutting / Copying / pasting / deleting / Selecting multiple files + folders to move between locations on the ipad.

Basically ; perhaps a "finder"-like file nav. and management access for the iOS non-system files / general user files.

For instance, being able to organize folders and subfolders .

Select multiple items to move between one location and another [apps between app folders for instance].

Select multiple items [for instance apps] to move or delete all at once.

A good example being iBooks ;

I would like the ability to arrange the books on my ipad in folder structures and arrangements of my own choosing,

rather than the horrible automated arrangement as it is.

The way iOS deals with files, is ; once files are imported through itunes,

they are just “splattered” throughout the iOS system.

Finding items relies on the “spotlight” search within iBooks

[with maybe two other options for a way of arranging a list structure which has no folders ]

I have always disliked this clunky and disorganized approach, with very little control over how the files and folders are arranged.

; ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::


A choice of iOS interfaces !
In particular , 2 choices .

I really dislike the “fun buttony” pure ICONS approach that has always been the approach to iOS.

I would much prefer, for instance , a LIST VIEW of all the contents of iOS.

Much like a Finder window [or windows explorer window],

or perhaps the way a list of iBooks are displayed ; except for EVERY folder and list of apps in the system ,

as well as within any apple-produced apps.

A folder file-navigator window basically, with view-style options.

Also, with column arrangement options ,

ie. 1) List view 2) icon view 3) Details 4)Columns


; ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

To me ; the above problems are what has always held me back from treating and using iOS seriously,

and using it as more of a true professional tool ,

and being able to bounce files around quickly [despite some amazing apps].

This is bothersome, because it is absolutely possible.

I find the user interface too finicky and too gimmicky / novelty-like and clunky and cumbersome at present for much serious use

[ despite iOS having such amazing applications ].

Having no keyboard shortcuts + control is very tiring and fatiguing [which could at the very least be interfaced with mac OSX ; even keeping within the usual restrictions placed on iOS such as no [easy] user control over central system files etc. ] ;

A file and folder management routine that might take a couple of minutes on a computer can easily take a couple of hours on the ipad ,

with the :: “can only move one item from one location to another, one at a time” style of operation.

Rather than being able to batch-select items, to move / delete / [perform action upon].

This kind of “bubbly” / “fun looking” but tedious and boring-to-use approach is something I would love to see changed , and given different options in the future.

; ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

I might add to this, or echo it later.

Anyway, thanks for listening.

Wrong forum, user centric issues are not appropriate for the developer forums.

Sounds to me like you want iOS to be like Android. Never going to happen.

iOS – General feedback / complaints