How to set language other than English as the development language and base localization?

When an Xcode project of iOS app is newly created, in the project (not target) setting we can see that it has `Use Base internationalization` enabled by default, and there are 2 files localized for the `Development Language` which is `English` by default (one for `Main.storyboard` and one for `LaunchScreen.storyboard`, both of which reside in the `Base.lproj` directory). See below the screenshot:

(For simplicity, I will only mention `Main.storyboard` from now on.)

And in the localization section of `Main.storyboard`'s right-side panel, we can see that the `Base` localization is checked by default and there is also an `English` localization which is unchecked by default. See below the screenshot:

And in the target's `Info.plist`, there is a key named `Localization native development region` (i.e. `CFBundleDevelopmentRegion`), and its default value is `en`. See below the screen shot:

If I understand it correctly, with these default settings, developer can just write English in the `Base` localization of `Main.storyboard` and leave the `English` localization as unchecked. If the app needs to adapt to some other language, developer can add a localization in the project localization setting, and select `Main.storyboard` in the popped up dialog. See below the screenshot:

Take `Chinese (Simplified)` as an example, this will result in a newly created directory `zh-Hans.lproj` with a `Main.strings` file inside it. (For simplicity, I will refer to it as `Chinese` instead of `Chinese (Simplified)`.) Developer just needs to translate the English strings inside this file into Chinese (the newly created `Main.strings` in the `zh-Hans.lproj` directory by default has all the English texts duplicated from the `Main.storyboard` in `Base.lproj`). With these settings, the `Language` field in the description of this app on AppStore will list English (from the `Base` localization, because English is the `development language`) and Chinese (from the `Chinese` localization). On end-user's device, if the system language is English/Chinese (or English/Chinese is among the preferred language), the app will use the corresponding language resource (for English, use the `Base` localization; for Chinese, use the `Chinese` localization). For all other language preference, English will act as the fallback language because `CFBundleDevelopmentRegion` is `en`, so `Base` localization is used.

So my first question will be, is the above understanding correct? To summarize, with the `development language` being English, we don't need to enable `English` localization for storyboard files. Just use the `Base` localization and directly write English in the storyboard files. We only need to add localization for languages other than English. (Actually it seems troublesome if we enable the `English` localization. If `English` localization is enabled, then we need to maintain both the texts in `Base.lproj/Main.storyboard` and `en.lproj/Main.strings`.)

If the above understanding is correct, my second question will be, how to achieve internationalization in a reverse way? That is to say, if I would like to use `Chinese` as the `development language` and write Chinese in the `Base` localization, and only add localization for languages other than `Chinese`, is it possible and how to do that in Xcode? I can't find a way to change the `development language` in the project setting in order to claim that the `Base` localization in the project is `Chinese` rather than `English`.

How to set language other than English as the development language and base localization?