Has anyone seen (or aware) of a why I am seeing none dynamic SKPhysicsBody objects in my scene randomly jumping down by a few points. This does not seem to happen on the device just the simulator, its also not a constant movement its little random jumps of a few pixels over quite long periods of time. Last light I left the simulator running after going to the train station to pick up my partner, when I got back the SKPhysicsBody platforms (had moved down by maybe 10 points. I did this agin and watched and the platforms stay staic and then all of a sudden the jump down by a couple of points then stop, this seems to be happening at intervals but I can't work out the trigger.
This is some of the physics settings for the SKPhysicsBodys which are moving. (To my mind this body should not move)
let physics = SKPhysicsBody(rectangleOfSize: self.size)
physics.dynamic = false
physics.allowsRotation = false
physics.affectedByGravity = false
self.physicsBody = physics
Scene gravity was origianally set to a very low -0.25, but making it -10 did not speed up the drift so it does not seem to be gravity related.
self.physicsWorld.gravity.dy = -10 //-0.25
Xcode Version 7.2 beta (7C62b)