
Post not yet marked as solved
9 Replies
Is there something that I am missing when using SKAction.playSoundFileNamed: I can get sounds to playback perfectly on the simulator but when I try on the device I get nothing at all. I am assuming this is a bug, I have tried this on the last few betas with no luck, it seems strange that its still around now we are at beta 5.// Nothing magical, just using ... self.sprite.runAction(SKAction.playSoundFileNamed("Ready_001.wav", waitForCompletion: false))
by Fuzzygoat.
Last updated
Post not yet marked as solved
6 Replies
Hi, there does seem to be something going on with beta 2, beta 1 installed fine (wanted to start looking at SwiftUI) but beta 2 starts the install, getts to [15 seconds Remaining] before announcing "Could not create a preboot volume for APFS install" I have tried rebooting, but keep hitting the same error. MacBook Pro 15-inch 2018, currently running 10.15 beta 1
by Fuzzygoat.
Last updated