Create a new app in iTunes Connect

Good day everyone,

I am attempting to create a new iOS app in iTunes Connect. From the iTunes Connect main page, I go to "My Apps". At "My Apps", I click on the "+" button to add a new app. After filling out all the requested information in the form, I am being presented with an error "Try again. If the problem persists, contact us".

Any ideas on why this might be happening?


UPDATE: I just got it to work. I was able to add an app without any problems.


same, 3 days redoing the submission with no result

Tried just now, issue persists.

me too!

Still doing it. Maybe they're purposely not fixing it to reduce the number of apps they need to review.

Same here.

When I click the Create button, this comes back from the create/v2/ API call:


Same here

I hvae the same problem. Has anyone managed to resolve this?

Its a 500 internal server error. Completely Apple's fault.

Same problem here for same steps as you. I tried Safari on MacBook Pro, Chrome on MacBook Pro, Edge on Windows 10 on X1 Carbon, Chrome on X1 Carbon Windows 10. All same results.

PS: How did you get the 500 Internal error? I just see the Try Again us message via ajax call they make from the form. is this a common scenario where developers are blocked at the gate? Like a crowd control. It seems sort of like, we are currently full, wait till some guests leave.

It is my first iOS App. I already finished the build in xcode and am so excited to submit for review. But, Try Again us?

--- the worst welcome I've ever got really! PS: I am not bashing anyone. I just feel let down by iTunes Connect (i.e Apple)

You see the 500 error (and others) on the browser Error Console. (CMD+Option+C in Safari)

Here you can see that Apple had not noticed a problem.

Not working for me as well.

Any solutions?

I'm also having this problem, so I contacted Apple Support and the lady on the phone told me this is a problem they're well aware of, it's not happening to everyone but to a significant number of people and it is being worked on by upper management. She asked for screen shots and OS/browser info. She also said there are no work-arounds at the moment.

I've got a feeling its happening to everyone, there are AngularJS errors on the Webpage and 500 server errors. The first will happen to everyone and the second is most likely happening to everyone. I've read of devs new and old suffering from this problem. Others on this thread could try sending them a message to