Create a new app in iTunes Connect

Good day everyone,

I am attempting to create a new iOS app in iTunes Connect. From the iTunes Connect main page, I go to "My Apps". At "My Apps", I click on the "+" button to add a new app. After filling out all the requested information in the form, I am being presented with an error "Try again. If the problem persists, contact us".

Any ideas on why this might be happening?


UPDATE: I just got it to work. I was able to add an app without any problems.


Which browser on what OS are you using?

I have same problem 😠

Me too, I was trying create new app 2 days ago and the problem persists!.


I am attempting to create a new iOS app in iTunes Connect. From the iTunes Connect main page, I go to "My Apps". At "My Apps", I click on the "+" button to add a new app. After filling out all the requested information in the form, I am being presented with an error "Try again. If the problem persists, contact us".

Any ideas on why this might be happening?

Please advice.

I also have the exact issue. This is so bad. I hope there will be a fix to this ASAP.

I'm having the same problem...

There's a lot of has here! Apple should do something asap and maybe give a more specific error.

I have same problem... I sent an email to apple...

Same problem to me😢

same problem here. tried everything but still's a shame!

Just adding my voice to the crowd, also seeing this when trying to create a new app on iTunes Connect.

I'm using Safari 9.0 (11601.1.56) on OS X El Capitan 10.11 (15A284) .

I'm having the same problem, is there no after hour Apple support at all for this sort of thing?

only when you have to pay the 99$ you can do it 24/7 but when it comes to support nothing. Android is still the best out there

This result is produced on the latest versions of Safari, Chrome, and Firefox on OSX El Capitan. It is also produced on Safari and Chrome on Yosemite. I haven't been able to check Firefox on Yosemite.