Xcode 7 Enterprise Distribution not working


I have installed Xocde 7.0.1 and OS X 10.11. I want to export my app for Enterprise Distribution. But this doesn't work. Archive is all ok and I can select until where I see the name of the app with some other informations like the checkbox for enable or disable bitcode. When I know click on "Next" I get following errors:

First: "

An error occurred during export

The data couldn’t be read because it isn’t in the correct format"

And immediately after this error the next:

""The file “xyz.ipa” couldn’t be opened because there is no such file."

What can I do to fix this error?? Why appear this error?

Best regards



Exactly same thing happened, on a same environment. Did you find the solution

Best Regards

I am having exactly the same problem. Has any progress been made on this issue?


Hi, facing the same problem here. Have you had any luck so far?

Exactly the same issue I have....

Anyone can help me? It's really urgent.


I think there are a number of things that could cause this same error. The cause is most likely some error in the export process. More info can be found in the logs.

A common solution is turning off the "bitcode" flag when exporting from the archive. This usually works around the issue, which seems to be ruby, gem, related. You can also try updating all your gems on the version of ruby that xcode runs as (2.0.0 most likely) and that might fix the bitcode issue.

I know this doesn't provide a clear answer, but it gives a few more trails / options for those trying to solve the issue.

Xcode 7 Enterprise Distribution not working