I have the same issue, for the same reasons.
i interact with the address book very infrequently: (swift 2.0)
let thePeep = ABAddressBook().recordForUniqueId(aStr)
thePeep.valueForProperty(kABFirstNameProperty) as! String?
thePeep.valueForProperty(kABLastNameProperty) as! String
thePeep.valueForProperty(kABOrganizationProperty) as! String?
these are the ONLY lines of code I have that accesses the addresBoook. I limit my interaction to recieving drops from the addressBook, and then looking up a very limited set of information. I am using Sandbox, and I have checked the box that allows working with the addressBook.
the app works, it works well. but this error pops up, and I know from prior experience, if I don't squash the bug now, it will jam me up later.
thoughts on what is causing it, are appreciated.