dyld_fatal_error on xcode 7 beta

Hi ,

I just updated to Xcode 7 beta (latest) and my device to ios 9 beta. I am running on Yosemite 10.10.5 . I created a blank sample single view app ( the default one). When I run it on my device it runs just fine. When I try to test it , it crashes . Please help.. I was hoping to try the new API's.

Here is the backtrace...

* thread #1: tid = 0x0f4c, 0x000000012006d088 dyld`dyld_fatal_error, stop reason = EXC_BREAKPOINT (code=1, subcode=0x12006d088)

* frame #0: 0x000000012006d088 dyld`dyld_fatal_error

frame #1: 0x000000012006fd80 dyld`dyld::halt(char const*) + 96

frame #2: 0x0000000120071ebc dyld`dyld::_main(macho_header const*, unsigned long, int, char const**, char const**, char const**, unsigned long*) + 3264

frame #3: 0x000000012006d044 dyld`_dyld_start + 68

Log file -

2015-09-15 19:35:07.347 (60080E91-D5A5-47E8-9E63-CF40CB8A2B98) Beginning test session with Xcode 7B60 on target <DVTiOSDevice: 0x7fdecf33c380> {

deviceSerialNumber: FK2NTC4BG5QJ

identifier: 9b82470b793614bfc54c59923bb84e85379904a6

deviceClass: iPhone

deviceName: Amit's iPhone

deviceIdentifier: 9b82470b793614bfc54c59923bb84e85379904a6

productVersion: 9.1

buildVersion: 13B5110e

deviceSoftwareVersion: 9.1 (13B5110e)

deviceArchitecture: arm64

deviceTotalCapacity: 59561115648

deviceAvailableCapacity: 46605230080

deviceIsTransient: NO

ignored: NO

deviceIsBusy: NO

deviceIsActivated: YES

deviceActivationState: Activated

deviceType: <DVTDeviceType:0x7fdecc51f180 Xcode.DeviceType.iPhone>

supportedDeviceFamilies: (



applications: {(

<DTDKApplication: 0x7fdecf59ed70>: Space Images (/private/var/mobile/Containers/Bundle/Application/31E89FB3-010D-4A80-A6BA-349AA8D7C82B/SpaceImages.app),

<DTDKApplication: 0x7fdecf512100>: Gmail (/private/var/mobile/Containers/Bundle/Application/A5BCEAD7-E1F5-4784-BC11-5DD606DD7692/GmailHybrid.app),

<DTDKApplication: 0x7fdec94f16a0>: TestNew (/private/var/mobile/Containers/Bundle/Application/6692A82C-2824-4B61-9F66-7B35602CF986/TestNew.app)


provisioningProfiles: (null)

activityProgress: -2


hasInternalSupport: NO

isSupportedOS: YES

developerDiskMountError: (null)


} (9.1 (13B5110e))

2015-09-15 19:35:07.348 (60080E91-D5A5-47E8-9E63-CF40CB8A2B98) Launching with Xcode.DebuggerFoundation.Launcher.LLDB

2015-09-15 19:35:07.348 (60080E91-D5A5-47E8-9E63-CF40CB8A2B98) Testing on device: <DVTiOSDevice: 0x7fdecf33c380> {

deviceSerialNumber: FK2NTC4BG5QJ

identifier: 9b82470b793614bfc54c59923bb84e85379904a6

deviceClass: iPhone

deviceName: Amit's iPhone

deviceIdentifier: 9b82470b793614bfc54c59923bb84e85379904a6

productVersion: 9.1

buildVersion: 13B5110e

deviceSoftwareVersion: 9.1 (13B5110e)

deviceArchitecture: arm64

deviceTotalCapacity: 59561115648

deviceAvailableCapacity: 46605230080

deviceIsTransient: NO

ignored: NO

deviceIsBusy: NO

deviceIsActivated: YES

deviceActivationState: Activated

deviceType: <DVTDeviceType:0x7fdecc51f180 Xcode.DeviceType.iPhone>

supportedDeviceFamilies: (



applications: {(

<DTDKApplication: 0x7fdecf59ed70>: Space Images (/private/var/mobile/Containers/Bundle/Application/31E89FB3-010D-4A80-A6BA-349AA8D7C82B/SpaceImages.app),

<DTDKApplication: 0x7fdecf512100>: Gmail (/private/var/mobile/Containers/Bundle/Application/A5BCEAD7-E1F5-4784-BC11-5DD606DD7692/GmailHybrid.app),

<DTDKApplication: 0x7fdec94f16a0>: TestNew (/private/var/mobile/Containers/Bundle/Application/6692A82C-2824-4B61-9F66-7B35602CF986/TestNew.app)


provisioningProfiles: (null)

activityProgress: -2


hasInternalSupport: NO

isSupportedOS: YES

developerDiskMountError: (null)



2015-09-15 19:35:07.348 (60080E91-D5A5-47E8-9E63-CF40CB8A2B98) Initializing test infrastructure.

2015-09-15 19:35:07.348 (60080E91-D5A5-47E8-9E63-CF40CB8A2B98) Writing testing status log to /var/folders/v3/703bv2tx3d1cvg8t7p_w2fpm0000gn/T/com.apple.dt.XCTest-status/Session-2015-09-15_19:35:07-lSJ91x.log.

2015-09-15 19:35:07.512 (60080E91-D5A5-47E8-9E63-CF40CB8A2B98) Launch session started, setting a disallow-finish-token on the run operation.

2015-09-15 19:35:07.534 (60080E91-D5A5-47E8-9E63-CF40CB8A2B98) Creating the connection.

2015-09-15 19:35:07.534 (60080E91-D5A5-47E8-9E63-CF40CB8A2B98) Listening for proxy connection request from the test bundle (all platforms)

2015-09-15 19:35:07.534 (60080E91-D5A5-47E8-9E63-CF40CB8A2B98) Resuming the connection.

2015-09-15 19:35:07.534 (60080E91-D5A5-47E8-9E63-CF40CB8A2B98) Test connection requires daemon assistance.

2015-09-15 19:35:07.534 (60080E91-D5A5-47E8-9E63-CF40CB8A2B98) Checking test manager availability..., will wait up to 120s

2015-09-15 19:35:07.535 (60080E91-D5A5-47E8-9E63-CF40CB8A2B98) Starting test session with ID <__NSConcreteUUID 0x7fded0b351a0> 60080E91-D5A5-47E8-9E63-CF40CB8A2B98

2015-09-15 19:35:07.604 (60080E91-D5A5-47E8-9E63-CF40CB8A2B98) testmanagerd handled session request.

2015-09-15 19:35:07.604 (60080E91-D5A5-47E8-9E63-CF40CB8A2B98) Waiting for test process to launch.

2015-09-15 19:35:13.814 (60080E91-D5A5-47E8-9E63-CF40CB8A2B98) Launch session finished initial intensive file IO.

2015-09-15 19:35:13.814 (60080E91-D5A5-47E8-9E63-CF40CB8A2B98) Waiting for test process to check in..., will wait up to 120s

2015-09-15 19:35:13.859 (60080E91-D5A5-47E8-9E63-CF40CB8A2B98) Adding console adaptor <IDEConsoleAdaptor: 0x7fded0bbbb20 'target'> for test session 60080E91-D5A5-47E8-9E63-CF40CB8A2B98.

2015-09-15 19:35:14.950 (60080E91-D5A5-47E8-9E63-CF40CB8A2B98) Clearing timeout timer while paused in the debugger. Timeout conditions may not be detected during this session.

2015-09-15 19:39:15.089 (60080E91-D5A5-47E8-9E63-CF40CB8A2B98) Test operation failure: Test operation was canceled.

2015-09-15 19:39:15.089 (60080E91-D5A5-47E8-9E63-CF40CB8A2B98) _finishWithError:Error Domain=IDETestOperationsObserverErrorDomain Code=3 "Test operation was canceled." UserInfo=0x7fded0bb7250 {NSLocalizedDescription=Test operation was canceled.} didCancel: 1

2015-09-15 19:39:15.090 (60080E91-D5A5-47E8-9E63-CF40CB8A2B98) _considerDispatchingDelegateBlock, not dispatching, console adaptor finished: NO

I have already tried cleaning derived data folder and just clean from xcode. Didn't work.

Some more info -. In a simulator everything works fine. This only happens on the phone. Please some pointers on debugging at least!!! Anyone??

I and several of my collegues are having the exact same issue, in contact with apple support for the last week, no solution yet.

Same issue using XCode 7.01 + iOS 9.01

the dyld_fatal_error happens when I try to run on the real device (iPhone 6 plus), in the simulator everything runs fine.

Target iOS is iOS 9.

small workaround: after I see this error, I can start the App on the device by hand withour XCode. This workaround does not help debugging.

This works for me:

In XCode click on the scheme (two buttons right from the run button)

-> Klick on edit scheme

-> Choose run/Debug

-> Choose Diagnostics

-> Look at Memory Management

If "Enable Guard Malloc" ist enabled, disable it.

This solution didn't work for me. Please help 😟

I had the same issue. Try to delete "dervied data" for the project with this issue.

Go to Xcode, menue: "Window", select "Projects".

Select your projext and delete "Derived Data" for the project in the dialog.

I hava the same problem now. I need help, please.

Will this issue later resolved yet ?

dyld_fatal_error on xcode 7 beta