Why and how any ErrorType can always be casted to NSError?

I installed Xcode 7 GM (7A218) today, and I got an interesting warning.

Dialogue.swift:91:25: Conditional cast from 'T' to 'NSError' always succeeds

Here's my source code.

  static func runErrorAlertModally<T: ErrorType>(error: T) {
       func makeAlert() -> NSAlert {
            if let error = error as? NSError { // Conditional cast from 'T' to 'NSError' always succeeds
                 return NSAlert(error: error)
            else {
                 let a = NSAlert()
                 a.messageText = "\(error)"
                 return a

AFAIK, ErrorType is just a marker type to mark a type can be thrown. But "why" and "how" `ErrorType` can be casted into `NSError` without any special treatment?

Because ErrorType has NSError as implicit Superclass.

That's incorrect, ErrorType is a protocol. The reason this works is because of "compiler magic." The compiler automatically emits the code necessary to translate between any ErrorType and NSError.

Ah my NSError 😉 - I assumed the compilermagic was a implicit superclass in the background.

Probably he only said with compiler does not use a class to do this and the ErrorType requirements match exactly as NSError so is "Toll free bridged".

But magic is more fun.

Why and how any ErrorType can always be casted to NSError?