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I am trying to add custom attributes on-the-fly. To make it work, I subclassed NSTextLayoutFragment, and overrode .textLineFragments property to return custom made NSTextLineFragment objects. But if I override it, TextKit2 no longer render the text and selection also doesn't work. It's same even if provide NSTextLineFragment with exactly same properties (attributed string and range). In WWDC 22 video, you told me that NSTextLayoutFragment and NSTextLineFragment are all immutable and have value semantics. But it doesn't work with different object, therefore seems still have very strong reference semantics. How to make it work with custom attributes? P.S. I also reported this as a feedback --
by Eonil.
Last updated
Post not yet marked as solved
4 Replies
Cross posted to, I discovered surprising behavior of NSWindow. It doesn't die while it is displayed on screen regardless of existence of reference to it.import Foundation import AppKit final class W1: NSWindow { deinit { print("W1.deinit") } } print("start") autoreleasepool { var w1:W1? = W1() w1?.setFrame(NSRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 100, height: 100), display: true) w1?.orderFront(nil) w1 = nil } print("finish") above prints start and finish but no W1.deinit.I tested this on these platforms.Xcode 10 on MojaveXcode 11 GM (first) on Catalina BetaAnd confirmed same result on both platforms.Here are my questions.Why NSWindow don't die?How am I supposed to manage NSWindow?How to kill it properly?As last reference to NSWindow has been removed, it is supposed to die immediately. But it doesn't.If it do not die, it means there's another "hidden" reference to it or AppKit have "special" behavior on windows. What's the reason?Window dies if I close() it before removing last reference to it. But I am not sure whether this is really proper/designed way to kill it as it's out of Cocoa/Swift lifetime management rules.
by Eonil.
Last updated