InApp purchasing through a webview

We are working on an application (not yet submitted) that will include in-app purchase capability. We have already a huge list of products and a website which allowing to browse it and build a basket.

Can you please confirm us the app will not be rejected for the submission if

- the web site, opened through a web view inside the app, provide the UI mechanisms to browse this list and see the prices

- and the products are declared on iTunesConnect

- and the app provides the « buy » buttons

- and the IAP mechanisms are using for the payment

Thanks for your feedback.


Did you solve it? Is it posible show a IAP under webview?

It is not possible to execute an IAP through a webview. You need to issue a paymentRequest through Objective-C or Swift coding within the app.

You can show products and prices and then have the user tap some sort of 'buy' button, leaving the webview and returning to the app's coding.