usdzconvert realworld scale is off


Been trying to use the command line usdzconvert script to do conversion straight from OBJ + textures to usdz, however the scaling is completely off. Even at 1000% scale up in AR view the model is still much smaller than the actual size.

This also happens when we do the conversion from the gltf file instead of OBJ.

This doesn't happen however when using the Reality Converter app.

Has anyone else run into this? Can anyone from Apple reproduce this?



  • I'm having the same issue as well! Have you found a solution to this?

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I have found the the initial tranform value of the Entity returned has the scale property for x, y, and z set to 0.01. (I can't remember for sure, but the second level entities' transform might need to be reset too)

What I did was reset the first entity's transform to the default transform.

Try something like

myUsdzEntity.transform = Transform()

and see if that fixes it.

If that almost gets you there but not quite, try resetting the second level of entities too:

myUsdzEntity.transform = Transform()

for child in myUsdzEntity.children {

child.transform = Transform()
