MapKit JS MarkerAnnotation Cursor

I'd like to change the cursor to cursor:pointer when I hover over a MarkerAnnotation with a mouse, but I can't seem to figure out how to do it. CSS selectors such as>div don't match, and it appears that MapKit JS is doing some things with styles. DuckDuckGo seems to be accomplishing this in MapKit JS (among other things) by extending the objects. I'd prefer to do something that's not so invasive, though. Maybe I'm missing something super obvious? Any help?

(I can also create a custom Annotation with that piece of desired behavior, but I haven't been able to figure out how to align it correctly at different zoom levels -- I'd like to use a marker that is a pin position [i.e. the bottom center of the marker points to the coordinate, like MarkerAnnotation], rather than a circle that is meant to be centered over a coordinate. So I started trying to use anchorOffset in the constructor options, but the offset really needs to be different at different zoom levels, and MapKit JS doesn't seem to keep the perspective component of DOMPoint when I use that. Anyway, I'd prefer to use MarkerAnnotation, if possible.)

I'd still like to know if it's possible to change the cursor on a MarkerAnnotation, but I was wrong in what I was saying about anchorOffset on a normal Annotation. It was my mistake on the DOMPoint numbers and my interpretation of them with my custom Annotation. That's the way I ended up accomplishing what I was trying to do.

MapKit JS MarkerAnnotation Cursor