Crash : dyld: Library not loaded: @rpath/GMEllipticCurveCrypto.framework/GMEllipticCurveCrypto Referenced from:

Hi All,

I am creating a standard custom swift framework with universal binary script to support both iOS Sim and Device. But when i drag the generated .framework file to my test app and try to run it on simulator I see a crash with below logs.

dyld: Library not loaded: @rpath/GMEllipticCurveCrypto.framework/GMEllipticCurveCrypto

Referenced from: /Users/deepesh.vasthimal/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/1B740BA0-6105-4F5D-9C3A-E07509D485F6/data/Containers/Bundle/Application/CAF4473D-3AE5-4A3E-9341-5ACEE4C089E1/

Reason: image not found

I have seen tons of similar issues and I have tried almost every solution but I cant seem to fix this issue. Can you please let me know what is required while creating custom swift frameworks which internally is using a few third part pods. Also I dont want to expose these 3rd part pods to my test app. Also this was easily support with Objc has anything changed with swift ?

