ITMS-90034: Missing or invalid signature

After uploading a new App to the App Store Connect i receive an e-mail stating:

ITMS-90034: Missing or invalid signature - The bundle '...' at bundle path 'Payload/...' is not signed using an Apple submission certificate.

The App don't use any capability.

I've used Xcode to upload, as in a previous App which now is on the App Store.

All the apps use the default configuration: "Automatically manage signing", Provisioning profile "Xcode Managed Profile", Signing Certificate Apple Development: ############

The requested Signing Certificate is present in the keychain in 3 versions, the last one is valid (the older 2 are revoked).

What I should correct?



Deployed 2 test versions to Testflight with no issues, then third test version (15 mins later) failed with that error, no changes in signing



Same here. Worked fine yesterday. No changes today and got this error. Looking at other responses suggests some temporary/random issues Apple's end, so about to try building again.

We have also been having the same issue intermittently since Monday, June 1st. Most of our builds have submitted fine, but several have failed due to the signing error. We are also using fastlane in a CI build, but nothing has changed, and our certs are not expired. Today, we have had multiple builds in a row, so it may have gone from intermittently broken to permanently broken. Any information about this would be greatly appreciated.

Trying with Application Loader I got another issue this time.
ERROR ITMS-90596: "Invalid Bundle. The asset catalog at 'Payload/***.app/' can't be processed. Rebuild your app, and all included extensions and frameworks, with the latest GM version of Xcode and resubmit."

+1 Same issue







Edit: Organizer won't let you upload the same binary again. I incremented the build version, archived and uploaded again, it worked. I changed NOTHING AT ALL.

Are uploads going to randomly fail now? On top of random errors that require you to restart XCode.


EDIT: I succesfully uploaded my app to store after several try.

Same issue here. I tried to upload new build today. I changed nothing actually. After uplod my app I got email with message following:

ITMS-90034: Missing or invalid signature - The bundle 'com.myapp' at bundle path 'Payload/' is not signed using an Apple submission certificate.

I tried several times with different bundle numbers. Not solved yet.

ITMS-90034: Missing or invalid signature