Apple Watch Simulator transferUserInfo Not Working

Hi guys,

I am finding that WCSession.default.transferUserInfo is not working on the simulator for XCode 11.5. When I run the simulator, nothing happens.

I have tried downgrading the WatchOS to 5.3 with an iPhone running 12.4, but I am still not able to use transferInfo with the simulator.

When I plug in an actual device, transferInfo works fine.

Is there something I am doing wrong with the simulator?


I have run into the same issue on Xcode 11.6 with the watch simulator 6.2.1 and the iphone 13.6 simulator. It was working at one time and the communication was working fine - than something happened.

The session is created and the connection made and the watch will send a message to the phone; however, the message will timeout. The code has not changed at all. I have deleted the simulators and recreated them. I have uninstalled/installed xcode numerous times; yet, nothing seems to fix the issue. The code works properly on real devices and can communicate.
Apple Watch Simulator transferUserInfo Not Working