iOS 13.5 Webfilter does not work

Hi Apple.

My App is using FilterDataProvider and FilterControl Provider to filter web sites.

My App webfilter working before upgrading IOS 13.5.

The problem on IOS 13.5 is I do not get this callback in both extensions.

override func handleNewFlow(_ flow: NEFilterFlow, completionHandler: @escaping (NEFilterControlVerdict) -> Void)

handleNewFlow callback works fine on IOS 13.4, but not any more after upgrading IOS 13.5.

I confirmed these procedures are still working on 13.5. no error.

1. NEFilterManager is enabled

2. NEFilterManager called loadpreference before savepreference.

3. NEFilterManager successfully savedpreference.

I checked all NEFilter document, but no new update or known issue reported in XCode 11.5 Document.

Is this a IOS 13.5 bug ?

This is under investigation. Please open a bug report so your case can be captured as well. Please open a bug report here and respond back with the id here so I can copy myself on it for future updates.

Matt Eaton

DTS Engineering, CoreOS

meaton3 at

Hi. Apple.

I created bug report ( feedback ) and here is the ID : FB7721239


We also noticed that the filter configurations.socket new flow still comes to the extension

but browser new flow does not get the call back ( HandleNewFlow ).

We need filterBrowsers for wef filtering.

let newConfiguration = NEFilterProviderConfiguration()

newConfiguration.username = ""

newConfiguration.organization = "FortiClient"

newConfiguration.filterBrowsers = true <-- this does not work after upgrading IOS 13.5

newConfiguration.filterSockets = false <-- tested and this still works after upgrading IOS 13.5

newConfiguration.serverAddress = "(our server)"

NEFilterManager.shared().providerConfiguration = newConfiguration

Thank you for opening a bug report. I see it in the system and have request that I am copied on updates. I will keep this thread up to date with any updates I receive.

Matt Eaton

DTS Engineering, CoreOS

meaton3 at


Any updates on this? I am experiencing the same issue. It was tested on 13.2.3 and 9.3.5 and web filtering works but not on the 13.5.1
I can confirm that this issue is resolved in 13.6 beta and it's working as expected.
Please test this issue with iOS 13.6 beta 3.

Matt Eaton
DTS Engineering, CoreOS
Has there been any update to this issue? do you have an ETA on the 13.6 release?

do you have an ETA on the 13.6 release?

iOS 13.6 was released a few weeks back (15 Jul).

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Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
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iOS 13.5 Webfilter does not work