How can I organize my Storyboard items?

Hi everyone,

I'm new to Xcode and to this forum. I have a picture of my main.storyboard document outline shown below. Here, a bunch of view controllers have a "_Info" in their name. Is there any way to make my document outline less cluttered, and organize these "_info" items(marked within a red rectangle) into one dropdown named "Info View Controllers"? It's not something that is necessarily needed for the app, I just wanted my storyboard document outline to look more organized.

It looks like the image didn't come's a drive link of the picture:

Really, that's not a serious problem here to have tens of controllers showing, as long as their names are explicit for you to find rapidly who is who.

However, you could create multiple storyboards:

h ttps://

You can also embed views in a reference storyboard:

h ttps://

Great question. Interface Builder does not have a way to group view controller scenes in the outline. As Claude31 mentioned, Storyboard References are an alternative that might help. Other than that, I would suggest filing feedback on Interface Builder using Feedback Assistant and explaining what your use case is. This way we can track these internally.

Here are some links that may be helpful:

Bug Reporting/Feedback Assistant:
WWDC15 - What's New in Storyboards:
How can I organize my Storyboard items?