I would like to know if an iOS App using libpd has a chance to pass the notarization.

I would like to know if an iOS App using libpd has a chance to pass the notarization. It's a GPL Library. Coding only in Objective C or Swift would be a horror.

There are several points to check, about copyright, about open source conditions.

Found this worth reading:

h ttps://softwareengineering.stackexchange.com/questions/232893/can-i-sell-a-software-that-uses-a-gpl-library-and-another-bsd-licensed-library

I have very little experience here, but as far as notarization is concerned (not publishing on appstore), question is probably more about API you access, whether or not it uses non public API…

But for an iOS App, you probably want to publish, not only notarize ?

May be you should move this thread to App submission section.

You could also make a quick test:

- create a simple dummy app that uses libpd

- try to notarize

If it gets rejected, you have the answer.

If not, that would not be a full proof, but a good hint that libpd is not a problem.

The only libpd I can find is the Pure Data embedable audio synthesis library. But that is BSD, not GPL. See: github.com/libpd/libpd/blob/master/LICENSE.txt

I would like to know if an iOS App using libpd has a chance to pass the notarization.

I responded on your other thread.

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Quinn “The Eskimo!”
Apple Developer Relations, Developer Technical Support, Core OS/Hardware

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I would like to know if an iOS App using libpd has a chance to pass the notarization.