How can I can the localized string for the month, day, week units. I'm not speaking about "january", "february"... But the localized word "Month". Is the only solution is to do this by hand with NSLocalizedString?
Finally found the solution by myself with:
extension Calendar {
/// get a calendar configured with the language of the user
static var localized: Calendar {
let prefLanguage = Locale.preferredLanguages[0]
var calendar = Calendar(identifier: .gregorian)
calendar.locale = Locale(identifier: prefLanguage)
return calendar
func unitTitle(_ unit: NSCalendar.Unit, value: Int = 1, locale: Locale? = nil) -> String {
let emptyString = String()
let date = Date()
let component = getComponent(from: unit)
guard let sinceUnits = component, value: value, to: date) else {
return emptyString
let timeInterval = sinceUnits.timeIntervalSince(date)
let formatter = DateComponentsFormatter()
formatter.calendar = self
formatter.allowedUnits = [unit]
formatter.unitsStyle = .full
guard let string = formatter.string(from: timeInterval) else {
return emptyString
return string.replacingOccurrences(of: String(value), with: emptyString).trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespaces).capitalized
// swiftlint:disable:next cyclomatic_complexity
private func getComponent(from unit: NSCalendar.Unit) -> Component {
let component: Component
switch unit {
case .era:
component = .era
case .year:
component = .year
case .month:
component = .month
case .day:
component = .day
case .hour:
component = .hour
case .minute:
component = .minute
case .second:
component = .second
case .weekday:
component = .weekday
case .weekdayOrdinal:
component = .weekdayOrdinal
case .quarter:
component = .quarter
case .weekOfMonth:
component = .weekOfMonth
case .weekOfYear:
component = .weekOfYear
case .yearForWeekOfYear:
component = .yearForWeekOfYear
case .nanosecond:
component = .nanosecond
case .calendar:
component = .calendar
case .timeZone:
component = .timeZone
component = .calendar
return component
And the use is: