Xcode 11 unusable on Catalina?

Is it just my luck - or is Xcode 11 unusable?

I just upgraded from Mojave to Catalina and installed Xcode 11 from App Store (all latest versions naturally).

Xcode 11 is simply unusable.

In brief:

On attempt to use Interface Builder, Xcode 11 gradually becomes unresponsive and then everything deteriorates completely. Xcode 10 and everything else works normally.

In detail:

When opening a project and starting working with code everything seems to be normal. But once I open a .xib file things go downhill.

In Interface Builder, when I click elements they're not selected right away but after a brief delay. And then it takes several seconds until the info in the inspector updates.

Then scrollers stop working. The entire app becomes unresponsive - like I click tab and it takes awhile until it activates. Then several clicks I performed earlier with no effect, suddenly start executing one after another.

Same thing in the code editor: everything I type happens after a brief delay. Code completion doesn't work at all.

I did the following troubleshooting:

-Deleted and re-installed Xcode 11

-Restarted Mac

-Created a new clean user and ran Xcode there

-Restarted in safe mode

Nothing helps - exactly the same things happens every time in all projects.

Once again, Xcode 10 works normally.

Xcode 11 cannot be used.


iMac 2017 27" 40 GB RAM

macOS 10.5.4

Xcode 11.4.1 [noSwift, ObjC only, only Mac apps]

Thanks for any feedback,



How much RAM available ?

How much disk space ?

I use XCode 11.4.1 on Catalina, on a MacBookPro of 2016. No issue.


300 GB free space

I also just installed Xcode 11 on my MacBook Pro 2013: exactly the same problem.

Xcode 11 is unusable on any machine.

Xcode 11 is unusable on any machine.

That is not true. Xcode 11 is usable on my machine. You need to find what's wrong with your machines or with your installation.

I meant on any of my machines of course.

I can assure you there's nothing wrong with my machines or my installation. I'm using Xcode since version 2 and never saw anything like this.

Xcode 10 and all other apps are working fine on the same machines.

There's evidently a severe bug in Xcode 11, which doesn't affect all users.

I do hope we'll get to the bottom of it eventuallty.

>Xcode 10 works normally.

Since this isn't your first time using Xcode, there are more appropriate forums, such as: Xcode IDE and Editor Source editing, schemes, IDE interface, project configuration

As well, as since forums posts are bug reports, feel free to file bugs using the link below, being sure to add your report #(s) to your thread for ref., thanks and good luck.

There's evidently a severe bug in Xcode 11, which doesn't affect all users.

I mean you need to find the difference why only your machine is affected.

there's nothing wrong with my machines or my installation. I'm using Xcode since version 2 and never saw anything like this.

I do doubt that.

For example, using third party package manager like Podcast might modify some settings of Xcode. Have you never used such things?

Without some effort finding what's wrong with your machines or your installation, your issue would last long.

I understand your point.

However, like I mentioned, the same problem happens on two different machines, including clean new accounts.

I don't use any third-party package managers.

Like I mentioned, Xcode 10 works normally under same conditions. As well as everything else.

I also did invest hours of efforts doing all reasonable troubleshooting steps by now.

There is a bug in Xcode 11 - because otherwise this problem wouldn't happen. And if Xcode does have a problem with installation or something else, it should clearly inform about it - instead of quitely disintegrating into a rotten mess. It's a bug either way.

I do hope Apple will get back to me and work further on addressing the issue. They're usually fairly responsive when it comes to developer tools issues.


> all reasonable troubleshooting steps by now.

Surprising that deleting Xcode prefs didn't help.

I don't use any third-party package managers.

That's just an example. Have you never installed any software other than Xcode?

Xcode 10 works normally under same conditions.

That is just one info describing what's happening, I have read it and do not put heavy weight on it.

There is a bug in Xcode 11

You can call it a bug and send a bug report to Apple. But do you think Apple can fix it soon when the issue cannot be reproduced?

I have never found the same issue reported on the web, your issue may be very rare.

You should better collect as much clue as you can about what is special (you can choose other words if you do not like wrong or special) with your machines. That would help Apple to fix it soon.

XCode starts working and then becomes unresponsive.

Just a few ideas of what I would be looking at.

When opening a project and starting working with code everything seems to be normal. But once I open a .xib file things go downhill.

Does it occur with a new project as well ?

- Where has XCode been installed ?

Are all elements, tools, … installed in the proper place ?

XCode 10 works OK.

Have you several versions of XCode on the different machines ? Could youd get one with only XCode 11 installed ?

- Have you looked with monitor what's going on on memory usage, processor usage…

I agree that there's nothing good about dealing with a rare bug in Xcode. This one is certainly rare - but I already heard from a developer on another forum who had exactly the same issue.

It looks like it affects some projects that originated in earlier Xcode versions years ago.

Regardless, it looks like by now I managed to isolate the issue to a very specific case in xib files.

I'll post details soon. Hopefully, I now have much more specific and helpful info for Apple to deal with.

It looks like it affects some projects that originated in earlier Xcode versions years ago.

Regardless, it looks like by now I managed to isolate the issue to a very specific case in xib files.

That seems to be a very important and valuable info.

A little bit different than yours, but I have some experience that an old xib caused crashing Xcode.

I needed to create a new project and copied each resources one by one, and found that an xib was causing the issue and re-created one from scratch.

Anyway, please share your experience when you find any clue with your issue. Hope it is solved soon.

Does it occur with a new project as well ?

It doesn't. But now I can trigger it even in new projects by bringing certain elements from my xibs. I'll post details soon.

Are all elements, tools, … installed in the proper place ?

Xcode installed everything it should.

I don't see anything suspicious in the logs or Activity Monitor, and the issue happens without Xcode 10 present as well..

Regardless, it looks like I could isolate it to a specific case finally - I'll post details soon.

Ok it looks like I could isolate this issue to a very specific case: a window with NSTabView.

Here's what I discovered:

-If a project does not have a window with a tab view, the problem doesn't happen.

-If any of my projects has a window with tab view, the problem is always triggered once I touch this window or any of its elements in IB.

-If I don't bring this window into view and don't touch it - the problem doesn't happen. Other elements don't trigger it.

-If I delete the tab view, the problem goes away.

-Bring back a tab view - problem comes back. It doesn't have to be the original tab view - even a new tab view from the Library will trigger the problem again.

-No other UI element affects the issue. Only tab view.

-This only happens originally with my own projects (which all originated back in Xcode 2-4). I tried some other devs projects with window+tab view and there was no problem.

-But I can reproduce the issue with projects that I didn't create - and even with brand new projects in Xcode 11 - if I copy a tab view from my project to a window in the new project.

-It's sufficient to have just a single window with a tab view and nothing else - so it's not the complicity of the xib that causes the issue.

As you can see I'm having fun here. Very productive.

I may soon share a brand new Xcode project with a xib that triggers the issue (here at least).

