Playground Books as Submission

Hey! I'm really confused about this and it's delaying my application. Can Playground Books created from the Swift Playgrounds Author Template on Xcode 11.1 be submitted in the application? Keeping in mind, this same Playground Book is running on Swift Playgrounds 3.3 for Mac and iPadOS.

Please let me know.

Thanks 🙂

Yes, build on Xcode 11.1. Drag out the .playgroundbook from Products and use that in your submission.

Hi! You can submit .playground files that work with Xcode 11.4.1, or .playgroundbook files that work with Swift Playgrounds 3.3 on iPad or Mac. One of the questions on the application form asks which software should be used to run your playground, and you can make your selection there. Please note that the Xcode Author Template is a tool designed for authors (usually educators) producing .playgroundbook files, as it enables hiding code and setting custom reset points. While it does result in a playground, this template doesn’t fully align with the purpose of the Challenge. It intentionally supports Xcode 11.1 because the Swift compiler needs to match the version within the Swift Playgrounds app for Mac or iPad.

Playground Books as Submission