Can I create a Xcode Playgrounds in Xcode but only run on Swift Playgrounds on iPad


I noticed this sentence on the Terms and Conditions:

Your Swift playground must be built with and run on Swift Playgrounds 3.3on iPadOS 13.4.1, Swift Playgrounds 3.3 on macOS 10.15.4, or Xcode 11.4.1on macOS 10.15.4. If it runs on iPadOS, it must be optimized to display properly on all models of iPad Pro.

Is it means that I could only submit the .playgroundbook file generated by Swift Playgrounds 3.3 If I want to run my playground only on iPad?

I noticed that Swift Playgrounds also supports running .playground file generated by Xcode. So, Is it allowed If I created a .playground file using iOS single view template on Xcode 11.4.1 and only want it runs on the Swift Playgrounds 3.3 app on iPad in this Challenge?

Hi! You can submit .playground files that work with Xcode 11.4.1, or .playgroundbook files that work with Swift Playgrounds 3.3 on iPad or Mac. One of the questions on the application form asks which software should be used to run your playground, and you can make your selection there.

Can I create a Xcode Playgrounds in Xcode but only run on Swift Playgrounds on iPad