Are playground books permitted?


The official rules for this Challenge state that an "interactive scene in a Swift playground" must be submitted. Does this mean only a standard playground file will be accepted? Or would a playground book file created from a starting point in Swift Playgrounds also be accepted? For example, would a customized playground book made from the "Shapes" starting point in the Swift Playgrounds app be allowed?

Thanks in advance! 🙂

Although it is not clearly stated, the playgroundBook structure is permitted based on the last experience. 😉

Based on what Apple has said on this forum, Playground Books are NOT acceptable.

Just curious, what is the difference between the two, other than the file format? (Since, if I understand correctly, a playground using PlaygroundSupport would behave similarly to a playgroundbook.)

Playground books have additional functionality that allow you to create chapters and pages with further interaction with the user but the latest support for Playground Book has not been released for Xcode 11.4. So, it won't run properly on Xcode 11.4.

Oh, ok. Thanks!

Are you sure Playground Books are not allowed?

On the website, it says to "use the templates in Swift Playgrounds or Xcode for a head start" and basically all the templates in Swift Playgrounds are Playground Books.

Even the blank Swift Playgrounds starter is a Playground Book!

I totally agree with you, and I have been thinking the same thing! I feel like the Apple employee who has commented on these issues before is implying that the Author Template should not be used to create a Playground Book, but others are okay.

I totally agree that if we are explicitly permitted to use Starting Points, that includes Starting Points which are Playground Books!

I asked Esther Hare, who is Apple's Worldwide Developer Marketing Director, in Twitter regarding the usage of PlaygroundBooks. She replied and said the same thing as what the Staff member here says. Bummer.

I also asked her, and this is what she replied:

"Apologies if this has caused confusion. You can submit .playground files that work with Xcode 11.4.1, or .playgroundbook files that work with Swift Playgrounds app v3.3 on Mac or iPad."

You can find the Tweet on her profile!

So this means we can for sure use playground books!

Are playground books permitted?