How can i download apple-developer-domain-association file for apple login in android?

I am trying to login in with apple in my android app for that I need this file "apple-developer-domain-association.txt" can you please guide me from where can I get this file or send me a link so I can follow that step and get that. As I follow step for configuring domain and email in

certificates, identifiers, and profiles there is no option to download apple-developer-domain-association.txt file.


Previsouly Under apple developer portal whenn you connfigure your domainn there was an option to download `apple-developer-domain-association.txt` file but nnow they updated the UI, I tested WITHOUT uploading file to root of web site under .well-known directory. and it works fine and been verified as SPF if you have setup the Email Suite.

We need to set up sender like this

`v=spf1 ~all`

I tested to send and receive email from email generated by Apple email relay service it works fine.


Hey @BilalSattar, I have this spf line added and my gsuite gmail domain / my individual email has been spf verified but neither the user receives any emails from us on or we receive any error when sending the mail to the relay, help with thoughts please, can we see logs anywhere for example? thank you