How do I open BlackBerry UEM Client app on my iPhone XR from Swift 5. What is the client path and/or URL? Thank you.

I am in the process of (learning) writing Xcode (11.4.1) / Swift 5 and trying to open BlackBerry UEM Client App in my test code on iPhone XR. Here is the code in Swift-

The following is in the CodeViewController.swift:

The info.plist has a new addition of “LSApplicationQueriesSchemes with “UEM Client” as Item 0 in its defined Array

// --------------------------

1. Import UIKit

2. Import AVFoundation

3. Import LocalAuthentication

4. Class CodeViewController: UIViewController, UIImagePickerControllerDelegate, UINavigationControllerDelegate {

5. .

6. .

7. .

8. Override func viewDidLoad() {

9. Super.viewDidLoad()

10. }

11. .

12. .

13. .

14. @IBAction func executeTestCase(_ sender: any) {

15. let application = UIApplication.shared

16. let uemClientPath = "UEM Client://"

17. let appUrl = URL(string: uemClientPath)!

18. if application.canOpenURL(appUrl) {

19., options: {:}, completionHandler: nil)

20. print(" Opened UEM Client App")

21. } else {

22. print("Can't open UEM Client App on the iPhone")

23. }

24. .

25. .

26. .

27. }

// --------------------------

The iPhone is connected to the Apple laptop. Upon compilation, the app is executed automatically on the iPhone and it crashes at line # 17 with the following –

Fatal error: Unexpectedly found nil while unwrapping an Optional value: file /Users/wamiqsattar/……/CodeViewController.swift, line 17

On line # 16, "UEM Client://", should not have a space. However, I do not know what the client path and/or the URL should be for the (BlackBerry) UEM Client app on the iPhone Xr. Can any of you please give me a viable advice on this Xcode/Swift Coding? What I am missing or what I need to do. I am guessing the (BlackBerry) UEM Client app has to have a special “client path”. Thank you.




I am … trying to open BlackBerry UEM Client App in my test code

iOS does not have a general-purpose way to open a specific app. You can open an app via

, but you need to supply a URL that the app supports. There’s no general way to work out what URLs a specific app supports. You’ll need to consult the documentation for that app and, if that doesn’t pan out, ask the app vendor.

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Quinn “The Eskimo!”
Apple Developer Relations, Developer Technical Support, Core OS/Hardware

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