macOS: fade out and close a window

macOS, Swift, Storyboards

I have two windows. I have opened the second window with a Storyboard Segue Kind Sheet. I want to close that window with a fade out. I put that in SecondViewController.swift. This works well to make the fade out. But, if I understand, the window is not visible but it is still there and I cannot click any button behind. How to solve that?

(If I use dismiss(self) I close the window but without the fade out. I want fade out, and then close)

@IBAction func close1(_ sender: NSButton) {

self.view.window?.animationBehavior = .none


NSAnimationContext.runAnimationGroup({ (context) -> Void in

context.duration = 2

self.view.window?.animator().alphaValue = 0

}, completionHandler: nil)

// dismiss(self)


Answered by Claude31 in 416770022

I would create a completion handler (I did not test):

completionHandler: {
            self.view.window.orderOut(nil)       // Make sure to make it disappear
            self.view.window.alphaValue = 1  // For next show of window

Does it work ?

Accepted Answer

I would create a completion handler (I did not test):

completionHandler: {
            self.view.window.orderOut(nil)       // Make sure to make it disappear
            self.view.window.alphaValue = 1  // For next show of window

Does it work ?

Thank you!

macOS: fade out and close a window